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Fall In Love With Your New Home By Downsizing

Home » Fall In Love With Your New Home By Downsizing

Between the tiny house movement and the booming popularity of Marie Kondo, it’s clear Americans have an appetite for less, for downsizing. Why not? Less stuff means less clutter. It means less to dust, and it lets you focus on what you really love. So, why not look at moving as an opportunity to clear what you don’t really care about. Look through these items that nearly everyone has to see what you can get rid of to simplify your live.


Growing up, my parents bought me that books were sacrosanct. While I still believe that in many cases, there are plenty of books that either we’ve read and will never read again, or will never read in the first place. Donate those books to a library, or a school, or make a few pennies at a used book store. Those books will still be given the respect they deserve, and perhaps someone will even read them.


Many years ago, I collected stained glass lamps. That was before my collection of interesting tea kettles. Long before that, I collected Barbie Dolls. You get the idea. Collections represent snap shots of a person’s life, but most likely don’t represent who you are now. Instead of hauling them to your new digs, why don’t you just take pictures of your collections, and then sell or donate them.

Old Media

While vinyl is back in style, it’s doubtful that floppy discs, cassette tapes, CDs and DVDs will ever come back. Copy them onto a hard drive and get rid of them. Recycle your old electronics at an electronic store.

Kitchen Stuff

Between gifts and items you absolutely feel you MUST buy, your kitchen is probably overrun with gadgets, many of which duplicate each other. If you have a pressure cooker, donate your rice cooker and slow cooker. The pressure cooker will do everything it can do.

If you are like us, the microwave is an expensive way to reheat coffee and leftovers. Use the stove instead. Think of the counter space you’ll save with just a little bit of downsizing.

Everything You Haven’t Used in Two Years

Do you really think you’ll get back on those roller blades? Your daughter hasn’t played soccer since the 5th grade, perhaps it’s time to get rid of her uniforms. Those jeans you’ve been waiting to get back into? Keep one pair as motivation, but remember that when you do get back into them, they’ll be out of style. Treat yourself to a new wardrobe to match your new old size.


One of the best things about moving is that it’s the perfect opportunity to ditch all those ugly gifts you’ve accumulated throughout the years. While your mother-in-law might be used to seeing the Viking horn she bought you on her trip to Sweden in your old home, she won’t miss it in your new one.

Don’t go too crazy, though. If you love something, even if it’s ugly, keep it. It’s part of who you are. Downsizing doesn’t have to mean losing yourself.

Featured image via Dominika Roseclay via Pexels

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